[SBE16-Board] Picnic - final prep

Jon Kasprick - SBE jon.kasprick.sbe16 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 10:30:43 PDT 2023

For our picnic on Saturday, are there any loose ends?

- I'll bring a table or two, a couple games, and all the food and supplies
that Mike brought last year.
- Jim will bring everything for announcements (mic & speaker, etc.)
   - And a certificate for Eng of the Year if an official SBE award has not
yet been received.
- Stephen/Tom will bring the adult beverages.
- BSW will cover the cost of food. Brian won't be there, but someone else
from BSW might be.
- Terry's the master grill master.

Anything else?

 Send me the RSVP count on Friday morning so I can shop accordingly.

*Jon Kasprick, PE, CBRE, DRB*

*Society of Broadcast Engineers*
*Chairman, Chapter 16, Seattle*
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